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Supplier Code of Conduct:

IONIC is committed to driving responsible business practices in our company and supply chain. We expect our suppliers to continuously improve their performance, to implement strong governance systems, strengthen workplace safety and health practices, respect fundamental rights at work, and drive environmental performance. The IONIC Supplier Code of Conduct (“Supplier Code”) and its related standards and guidance are based on local, national laws/regulations, including the global brands and partners to follow the International Labour Organization’s Core Conventions, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the United Nations Global Compact, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, The Paris Climate Agreement, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and other relevant international standards.

The Supplier Code is applicable to all worksites utilized for IONIC sourcing and associated onsite residential and commercial projects and facilities. Suppliers are responsible for ensuring next-tier Suppliers comply with the required Standards and associated guidance by performing periodic assessments and training.


Governance Systems

•Suppliers shall conduct social and environmental due diligence.

•Maintain diversities and fare wage practices.

•Suppliers shall conduct supply chain mapping and build product traceability down to the raw materials procurement level.

•All raw material suppliers and vendor partners in the ec0systme are strictly prohibited from approaching the main client directly including B2B partners, retailers, OEM partners , white labels, and private label owners, without the consent of TWIF.

•All business leads generated through TWIF is governed by the VRF ( Vendor Registration Form) acknowledgment and vendor ID once created.

•Suppliers are transparent and engage in continuous improvement

•Suppliers engage in ethical business practices

•Subcontracting and homeworking are authorized only with prior written consent

•Business licenses meet or exceed legal requirements


Workplace Safety and Health

•Responsible fire safety and emergency precautions, prevention, and practices

•Responsible policies and practices on first aid and occupational safety and health

•Responsible chemicals and hazardous materials, special equipment, spaces, and wastes safety management

•Responsible electrical, building, and construction permits, policies, and practices

•Safe and clean dormitory, childcare, and canteen facilitiesFundamental Rights at Work

•All work is freely chosen (no forced labor or human trafficking)

•All workers meet minimum age requirements (16 or the legal age in the country, whichever is higher)

•Treat all workers with respect and ensure equality of treatment

•Uphold the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining

•Responsible recruitment, wages, benefits, working hours, and termination practices

•Functioning grievance mechanismsEnvironmental Performance

•Establish and implement an environmental management system

•Minimize impacts of chemicals, wastewater, air emissions, waste, and noise pollution

•Improve energy and resource efficiency.


Suppliers must remediate all violations according to IONIC Standards and Guidance.

Anyone who observes violations of this Supplier Code may contact IONIC anonymously by e-mail to our Group Chief Compliance and Risk Management Officer ( and CCinh, or through IONIC designated third-party whistleblowing channel by scanning the QR code and enter access code: ionic.

Please refer to the IONIC company website to access our guidelines on Reporting of Concerns and Misconduct in our Code of Conduct and Business Ethics for more details.

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